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"Star Wars: The Last Jedi", The Real Form of Technological Power

24 November 2020   21:50 Diperbarui: 24 November 2020   21:58 50
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Life in the world becomes more colorful with the presence of technology. The story of the 'Star Wars' saga is indeed synonymous with various kinds of sophisticated technology and iconic weapons. 

For fans of the film 'Star Wars', maybe these objects or technologies are familiar because they have encountered them in the film. So, if you've never watched a Star Wars film but want to celebrate the euphoria of this new film, lets get acquantined with the technologies in the film Star Wars. or maybe for those of you who already know but still want to recall the iconic objects in this film. 

1. Lightsaber

A lightsaber is a type of weapon like a 'laser sword' that will easily cut through the opponent's body if they let their guard down. This sword has a unique sound that 'Star Wars' fans will never forget. Lightsaber can cut not only the human body, but also various objects that can be cut into small pieces. 

2. Hologram

A hologram is a visual projection of a persn or object, usually used as a medium for communication and for entertainment. The holographic projection in 'Star Wars' is usually monochrome, blue, or with little or no other color. In the film, hologram technology appears to be used to store messages in a special device. 

3. X-Wing

The X-Wing is a space fighter belonging to the Rebel Alliance which has balanced weapon strength and speed. The aircraft has four laser guns and two proton torpedo launchers. The X-Wing could withstand whatever Empire planes fired. The agile X-Wing engine can help improve the aircrafts performance in combat with great speed and the ability to perform Hyperdrive jumps. 

4. Droids
The droids in Star Wars are robots designed to help in all aspects of life. They work according to the level of artifical intelligence. Most of the Droids are restricted from hurting organic humans, except for the Security Droid and the Assassin Droid. Examples of popular Droids from 'Star Wars' that you can't possibly miss are R2-D2 and C-3PO, as well as the latest BB-8 the 'rolling ball Droid'!

Some of these amazing technologies didn't just color in the movies. But also invites youth and students to continue learning about technology and is's sophistication. As tangible forms, we are beginning to recognize the hologram. Maybe 10-20 years from now, we will meet through a system that called hologram! This world is AMAZING!

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