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If I Were a President of Indonesia, This is What I Would Do

7 April 2020   07:52 Diperbarui: 7 April 2020   08:03 32
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Prevention is a big factor in fighting this virus. Indonesia is infected later after several countries have been affected. This should have given me time to plan and enforce early prevention such as limiting the flight to and from an infected country especially to tourist spots and big cities like Bali, Jakarta, etc. Tighten guard in airports, border between countries(land boundaries), and port. Prohibition of cheap tickets especially cheap plane tickets to go abroad. I'll also start the cleanliness appeal that includes washing hands, and ethics while coughing. 

Preventions as such are done by the government before Indonesia was infected, but there are loopholes during the implementations that cause several tourists from infected countries to be able to enter Indonesia. While these preventions were implemented, I would plan for further actions that I will take if the virus has entered. 

Planning includes surveys of the readiness of the country(socially, economically, etc) to know which method that would be use and what response that will fit the citizen and limit the spreading. This planning will be really needed because each country has different citizens which leads to different tendencies, culture, activities and reaction. Government should know best how the public would react and do if a rule is implemented. This could be used to eliminate methods that could be of use or not. 

Early responses such as hospitals' readiness and method will be next. As said above, Indonesia's government used rapid tests too late which causes the effectiveness to decrease. This could have worked better if the timing is right. As soon as early cases are confirmed, rapid tests should be open to public. Another method would be tracking the covid-19 patient histories like places and people they met which leads to isolation to those poeple and disinfecting those places. 

Last method would be lockdown or regional quarantine. Regional Quarantine is a population restriction in an area including the entrance area and its contents that are suspected of being infected with a disease and / or contaminated in such a way as to prevent the possibility of spreading the disease or contamination. 

The quarantined area is quarantined and maintained continuously by the Health Quarantine Officer and the Republic of Indonesia National Police that are outside the quarantine area. To be highlighted is the word that it will be quarantined and maintained continuously by the Republic of Indonesia National Police. As written above, mind sets of the public is hard to change. Public participation would need the transparency of the government and public awareness. If public mind sets and awareness is not in line with public participation, police are needed to keep them in line for the better of the country by telling them to be in their house and avoid public places. 

Those are some actions that I would do if I were a president. 

Although there are some methods that are not maximized enough, the government has done the best that they could to limit the spread of the virus and we could hope that those efforts will be able to lead us to win against covid-19.

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