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I Would Do This for My Country to Fight Corona

6 April 2020   13:44 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   13:44 25
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

What will I do if I become the President of Indonesia in dealing with this major problem, first I will make an introduction to the public first what is the covid-19 virus or what we are more familiar with corona. Corona virus is a large family of viruses that can cause disease in animals or humans. In humans corona is known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). 

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Some patients may experience aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are mild and occur gradually. Just information, according to Worldometers, the exact number of cases is 1,270,849 with 69,380 deaths and 261,316 people recovered. 

This virus spreads from person to person through small drops from the nose or mouth that spread when a person coughs or exhales. These drops then fall on objects touched by other people. The person then touches the eyes, nose, or mouth. Based on studies that have not been found at this time the spread of COVID-19 through free air.

From this introduction we can look for prevention, from the easiest first, we can see from its spread. The spread of this virus through direct contact from person to person therefore we must make regulations regarding social distancing or if the situation is very severe the government will lock down the country for some time so that the spread is not much and only allowed out of the house if there is a need very important.

Like buying supplies at home, work that is forced to have to be outside the home and people will certainly be afraid of regulations that have sanctions and therefore when doing social distancing or maybe lockdown when we find people who intentionally or unintentionally intentionally conducting gatherings without clear interests will be given strict sanctions. We will mobilize many of our troops so we can maintain order and patrol every day to prevent the spread of the virus through these gatherings.

Also the government will give notice through parties around the community, RT / RW or through social media that we must take care of our health together by also providing knowledge about the importance of washing hands after doing various things, informing the importance of sunbathing and also being diligent in exercising. All of these things can have a big impact on our health.

Then also we will prepare to increase the place for treatment of this virus and also provide extra services for patients with this virus. Calling a good doctor to be able to provide care directly to patients, also multiply and complete medical equipment, such as masks, apd clothes for doctors so that they also feel safe in serving patients. 

The government will certainly spend a lot of money in the fight against this virus, we will also certainly look for a vaccine from this virus and also work with foreign countries that experience this too so they can find a way out together in the fight against this virus. It is also possible to spend large funds to buy vaccines from foreign countries. The point is the government will put out as much as possible in the fight against this virus.

The government really hopes that the community can work well together in carrying out government orders, we fight together with this virus. Do not let us do silly things and get this virus, the government gives the best for the people and the people just accept and do it. The rest will allow the government to take care of it. Together we can fight this virus. God bless us all.

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