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Suko Waspodo


Puisi | At The Time of Dusk

Diperbarui: 20 Maret 2019   17:02

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ilustrasi: max pixel

at the time of dusk
your greeting is like in incising
still pointing your sharp arrow into my heart
pouring out my blood to surrender
I let you satisfy your anger

the mist of the poison of lies
has blinded the eyes of the heart
until only malice continued to shut himself up
my apologies don't reveal the dark curtains
I look forward to your honesty

you should reflect sincerely on my regret
who ever disappoints your holy love
I realize myself there is no meaning
without your presence on the side
I want to crochet back the beauty of conscience

warmly extend my helping hand lovingly
clasp tightly again our desires remove pain
with the bigot of holy love of peace we shade
guard each other's heart to eternal life

Solo, Wed, 20th March 2019. 16:46 pm
'with love and peace'
Suko Waspodo
suka idea
antologi puisi suko


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