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The Dynamic Debate: Exploring the Coexistence of AI and Human Teachers in Education

Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2023   22:14

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In the era of technology that is increasingly developing like today, of course we must participate in following its development. This technological development affects many aspects in various fields including the field of education. 

Lately there has been a lot of debate about the possibility of replacing teachers by AI robots in the future. The pros and cons generated by this reflect the dynamics of education that will occur in the future. 

Those who highlight the positive side of this topic argue that the presence of AI robots in the field of education can actually make learning more efficient. AI robots can certainly provide consistent teaching without fatigue when compared to ordinary teachers. 

In addition, the availability of AI robots is flexible for 24/7 so that students can access them at any time and allow students to continue learning outside of school hours. However, along with this progress, there are also many concerns that arise. AI robots cannot provide the empathy and in-depth understanding that human teachers can. 

Students need not only academic knowledge, but they also need social and emotional learning to shape their character, and human teachers play an important role in this. It is these qualities that teachers possess that are difficult for AI robots to replicate, as robots lack the human experience and understanding needed to support students in developing their social and emotional competencies. 

In this debate, it seems reasonable to conclude that the role of robots will still not be able to replace the role of teachers in human capabilities. Perhaps the solution that can be taken so that we as the next generation can still keep up with technological developments is to make a wise integration between technology and human approaches to achieve good education in the future.


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