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Whole Human Value in the United States

21 Februari 2020   13:41 Diperbarui: 21 Februari 2020   13:45 34
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

Humans are the pinnacle of creation to manage the state of the universe, this is up to 3 chapters in the basic value of the Islamic student association embodied. Every process of cadres in our Islamic student association as HMI cadres will be invited to understand the path of thinking and struggling in the context of humanity, this is very often discussed by us as cadres.    

Therefore we as cadres of Islamic student associations will have more ethical independence and organizational independence for our provision to fall in this plural social reality, even it has been predicted by a priest named Victor Imanuel Tanja in his book entitled "Islamic student association in history. and its position in reformist Islamic movements in Indonesia" in the book reveals the view that by HMI, Islam is given the taste of Indonesia, without deviating from the fire of the spirit of Islam itself.

As well as containing the values of pluralism and modernity, it means that cadres will never be nervous about the development and progress of culture and technology in this world.  This means that when we relate to the context of the title of this paper not only in America which is famous for its liberalism but.

Upholding the value of humanity, more than that that in our beloved country Indonesia, there are also groups who struggle to need humanity's value and will continue to fight until that goal is achieved.

In the context of the United States, readers may already know that America is a superpower and high level of all kinds of international upheaval, with it always doing unexpected things starting from its expansion in a country in the Middle East, and how the country with policies his trade is able to enter into every line of life of mankind throughout the world.   

But further than that all in America is a country that still upholds humanitarian values, which we often hear and know how the media there spread if when there is an American foreign policy elite policy that provides war policy with a country, the people there will surely carry out actions demonstration to demand that the political elite stop the policy.

Surely we will wonder how the country can become such a country ,? Is it because of the religion of the people, is it because of education and economy, and is it because of religion there? The following is a brief review of research data in that country and the conditions of confidence in that country.   

According to American society, religion is important for people there: 76 percent have religion There are about 3000 religious groups in the United States.   The United States created a country that has a separation of religious and state affairs as a guarantee of freedom to practice religion without fear of persecution. The guarantee is stated in the First Amendment, "The results of the congress the United States will not classify just one religious group".

And the following is data related to religious adherents in the United States.
Christianity 70.6%
Evangelical Protestant 25.4%
Mainline Protestant 14.7%
Historically Black Protestant 6.5%
Catholic 20.8%
Mormon 1.6%
Orthodox Christian 0.5%
 Jehovah's Witness 0.8%
 Other Christian 0.4%
Non-Christians 5.9%
Jews 1.9%
Muslims 0.9%
Buddhist 0.7%
Hindu 0.7%
Other World Religions 0.3%
Other Religion 1.5%

This was guaranteed by the founders in the united states, the founders of the United States of America tried to ensure adherents of Islam too protected in the principles of religious freedom. Thomas Jefferson is one of the Founders of the United States who has a copy of Al- The Quran. While campaigning for religious freedom in Virginia, he demanded recognition of Islamic religious rights. Can also be proven from one of the research institutions at VOA.

According to the Public Religion Research Institute, 3 percent of New York City residents are Muslim. The first Muslim came to New York City in 17th century. More than 280 mosques are in willayah of that city. American Muslim Day Parade in New York City started in 1985 with a purpose giving American Muslims "a platform to be united and be a part of the political process of this country so that it sounds [Muslim community] can be heard in the arena US politics. Most US Muslim adults (58%) come from other parts of the world. In total, respondents in the Center survey Pew research in 2017 mentions 75 countries their origin. And this is reflected in diversity racial and ethnic Muslim community of the United States.

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