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Review Movie of "No Mercy" Korean Movie

29 Maret 2019   23:58 Diperbarui: 30 Maret 2019   00:10 873
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Film. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Martin Lopez

The film, known as No Mercy, originally titled by Eonni, was released in January 2019. As Korean culture, Eonni is a special calling from a sister to her older sister. The title of the film relate to the story presented, where the film tells about relation in family, relationship about brothers and sisters who look after each other. The sister tried to protect and care for her sister, because their parents were gone. The female character here is a brave and tough person. The character is played by Lee Si Young. Lee Si Young plays as Park In Ae, an older sister in this film. His sister Park Eun Hye is played by Park Se Wan. In addition, there are many actors who play an important role in this film.

The film was directed by Im Kyung Taek who is also the script writer with Kim Min. The film that carries the female action genre highlights the issues that occur in Korea, such as bullying cases. In this film, Eun Hye's character gets bad behavior from some of her friends at school. Because of the bullying action, he hated the school world. One scene showed where he asked permission from his older sister not to go to school. The hidden theme reminded that bullying is an act that is troubling and makes victims feel depressed. Although the film takes the theme of sexual violence, the film is full of meanings about the lives of teenagers. The habit of young people who like to go clubbing told in this film should get more attention. The importance of morality lessons inserted in the film aims to enable young people to maintain their relationships.  The way the author combines the theme of brotherhood with spices of action is an interesting thing in this film.

The settings used in this film are move, remembering the story is arguably an investigation to find his sister. The main setting started from prison, then switched to Park In Ae and Park Eun Hye's house, then to school, then to a hotel and there were still many places. The storyline of the film is mixed. It will be a little difficult to follow if we don't listen from the beginning. Many parts jump into the past to show reasons that make us wonder beforehand. The settings used show a more ancient atmosphere, although there are some settings that show modernity, making this film a little inconsistent.

The film tells about your relationship between Park In Ae and Park Eun Hye. Their parents are gone, so Park In Ae is responsible for looking after his sister. The problem began when her classmate invited Eun Hye to go to the club. There Eun Hye was bullied by forcing her to take off her clothes and then recording them. Eun Hye was introduced to men who like to robber. They made Eun Hye as bait to get men in need. When they get to the room, Eun Hye will go to the bathroom then send a message to the men. Then they came to the room that Eun Hye had informed him and acted as a savior for Eun Hye, and then they beat up the perpetrators and took away his property. But one day, they lost to the perpetrators, and finally the perpetrator took Eun Hye away. Kidnapping Eun Hye spread from one person to another. The core of this film is about completing revenge. Park In Ae succeeded in capturing and giving lessons to the people involved in the kidnapping of his sister. The source of the kidnapping was a politician who also had a grudge against Park In Ae.

This film is very interesting because it successfully combines elements of action, investigation and social. Using the main female character as a brave female character is the main attraction for this film. The character of Park In Ae itself is a depiction of female characters in the present. Where the character displays a beautiful figure, loves his family and is able to defend himself and others. Lee Si Young displays the character well. His acting made the audience feel that sometimes he was a good woman, but he also became a cruel woman. How he performed the choreography when he fought amazed me. The character is like a new character for him, but he managed to convey it well.

The use of back and forward techniques used in this film slightly confuses the audience. That's why the audience must pay more attention and focus while watching this film. The ending of this film is also still hanging, like deliberately making the audience wonder. In the final scene, it appears Park In Ae is driving a car with Park Eun Hye who is asleep in his side seat. Park In Ae suffered stab wounds that made him continue to bleed. The film stops until the scene. The possible ending to be conveyed is whether Park In Ae will die or will he live happily with his younger brother. This possibility will raise a new question, if Park In Ae dies, then how does Park Eun Hye's life experience a mental disorder? Will the crime that befell him stop?

This film is a bit boring according how they show the conflict. Since most of the scene is Eun Hye's search process, almost all parts have the same delivery. I suggest watching this film considering the quality of the story. This film looks interesting in the story part of the film itself, because this film discusses sexual violence against women and displays heroes as well as women.

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