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The Greek Philosophical Thinking

12 November 2019   06:22 Diperbarui: 12 November 2019   06:21 4
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5. Greek philosophical thinking A. Phytagoras -> every immortal soul. If. death will enter a new soul (reincarnation) B. Socrates     An athlete who was born from a rich family, a noble family.    "respect the values of physical and spiritual" C. Plato   

  A writer who has many works. A noble family.  Plato's theory is:   

 1. Humans have God as their creator     

2. God knows all human actions     

3. God only has 1     

4. Nature has rules D. Aristotle     Born in Greece in 384.    When he was 17 years old Aristotle was sent to Athens to study at Plato at Akademia to study philosophy. Aristotelian theory exists 3:     

1. Logic (analytics)     

2. Syllogism (induction and deduction)     

3. Ethics (happiness)

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