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Alfi Syahrin
Alfi Syahrin Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - English education '18 (Universitas Jambi)

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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Covid 19 Vaccine Should Not Have to Be Mandatory? Consider The Following Reasons

8 Maret 2021   13:55 Diperbarui: 8 Maret 2021   18:21 80
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It has been one year that the coronavirus has swept the world, frightening all humans from December 2019. Around 117 million cases have been recorded with around 2.59 million deaths worldwide to this day. With the fear of this infectious virus, humans are competing to break the chain of this infectious virus, one of which is a vaccine. Vaccines are antigenic drugs that are used to build immunity against diseases or viruses that can prevent or reduce infection ( What has been developed by researchers in the world including in Indonesia is the corona vaccine antigen. There are many conflicts regarding this corona vaccine in Indonesia, some say the vaccine should not be mandatory and some are the other way around. In my opinion, there are several reasons why the corona vaccine should not be mandatory.

First is the right of everyone to have the right to choose their treatment. written in one of Indonesian laws in Article 5 paragraph (3) of Law Number 36 the Year 2009 concerning Health, namely: "Everyone has the right to independently and responsibly determine the health services needed for himself" (Valerio, 2021). The law implies that people are allowed to choose the treatment they want without having to be forced, and this is a right that cannot be ignored. Not only the Constitution in Indonesia does not require vaccination but also the director of the WHO (World Health Organization) immunization department Kate O'Brien himself said that the State does not need to oblige vaccination. Kate O'Brian argues "It would be better to encourage and facilitate vaccination without such conditions. I don't think we want to see any country compulsory vaccination, "(Fatturahman, 2021). . Here WHO understands why it does not require vaccines because people are still doubtful about the newly discovered vaccine and there are many public perceptions about it. WHO itself recommends educating the public about vaccinations rather than making them mandatory.

Lastly, the safety of vaccines. There are many reasons for people to refuse vaccination and one of them is safety, which is where the public's uncertainty about this vaccine is getting crowded because the vaccine is made fairly fast, which is 18 months. One of the figures who opposed vaccines was a Member of the House of Representatives Commission IX from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Ribka Tjiptaning. As reported from CNN, Ribka Ttjiptaning chose to pay a fine instead of the vaccine. The reason is the trauma from the anti-polio and elephantiasis vaccines that have left people paralyzed and died (CNN Indirectly, the reason for Ribka Ttjiptanning represents the reason why vaccines are not compulsory because the people themselves must be asking about the safety of the vaccines, let alone how fast they are made. Making the vaccine itself is fairly long, which is approximately 10 years because health workers need time to research viruses or diseases, vaccine reactions in humans, and the effects that will arise from the vaccine.

Fear of this is what drives vaccination against it. Trauma to the vaccine that is used for this body is the main trigger for the stereotype of vaccine safety. Apart from trauma, it is not yet known whether this vaccine has an effect that will cause complications in the future. Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy from UI, Retnosari Andradjati, considered that the Covid 19 vaccine must be evaluated. "The safety of new vaccines such as the Covid-19 vaccine still needs to be further evaluated to minimize side effects or reactions felt by patients," as quoted from Retno's press release. It even suggested that vaccines must go through vaccine safety evaluations, such as vaccine product-related reactions and vaccine quality defect-related reactions from UI ( Vaccine monitoring is what is important, but this vaccine evaluation can be said that has not been carried out and because the monitoring or evaluation of the vaccine has not been carried out, this vaccination should not be mandatory.

The government decision still requires vaccination in Indonesia, with the priority of breaking the Covid-19 chains. Even though there are pros and cons about this, vaccination is still being carried out and it is planned to be carried out throughout Indonesia. Some people believe in vaccines but some don't so that vaccination falls back on that person's choice and we cannot force or oblige it.


  • Vaksin : Pengertian, Sejarah, Jenis, Manfaat dan pembuatan (
  • Masalah Vaksinasi Covid-19, Kewajiban atau Hak Warga Negara? Halaman 1 -
  • CNN Indonesia
  • CNN Indonesia
  • Guru Besar UI: Keamanan Vaksin Covid-19 Harus Dievaluasi (

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