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Ilmu Sosbud

Third Meeting of UNISA Yogyakarta Student Digital MarketingTraining at RuBY What Else Will You Discuss?

29 November 2022   17:34 Diperbarui: 29 November 2022   17:38 32
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

At the third meeting of digital marketing training at Rumah BUMN. Still filled with the same material as before. Still attended by MSME players and UNISA students. The material this time relates to content marketing and campaigns.

As usual, the class begins with the delivery of material from Mr. Bondan Satria. The material this time is quite short and focuses more on analytical tasks. Students are asked to analyze MSMEs regarding the customer products offered. Students must make research on customers from SMEs, then define the customer, then they determine what kind of campaign they should do in the future

After the research students presented their analysis, then continued with discussions between groups, the class lasted well for 2 hours. Even though the material provided is quite short, the content is still interesting and easy to understand, so that students remain enthusiastic in going through class.

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