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Ilmu Sosbud

Lost of Client's Money: Maybank Vs Winda Earl

20 Januari 2021   17:00 Diperbarui: 20 Januari 2021   17:01 324
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Where the safest place to store the money?  Most of us will say bank is the right place. Those opinion can be considered very logical since national banking system was established long time ago through establishement of De Javasche Bank at January, 24 1828, later nationalization as Bank Indonesia at July 1, 1953. In addition, government already have Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) that officially operate at September, 22 2005 within IDR 2 billion for maximum amount of client's funds guarantee. Furthermore, Financial Services Authority (OJK) also formed at July 16, 2012 to enhance regulation and control for banking sector, capital market, and non-bank. Those various of reason should make us as a client can gives the trust to adequate banking system. Nevertheless, what about the practice in real life?

Facts in reality shows that phenomenon about losing the client's money quite often to be happened, starting with Citibank (IDR 17 billion) in 2011, Permata Bank (IDR 245 million) in 2015, and Maybank (IDR 22.8 billion) in 2020 which become main topic discussion currently. Those phenomenon caused by variety of factors such as fraud (phising), steal of information (skimming), system and human error. In Maybank case, this incident happened to one of woman eSport athlete known as Winda Earl.

The incident starts when the victim offered by AT (suspect) as the leader of Maybank branch in Cipulir to open term account at October, 27 2014. Winda interested and open the term account because she was moved by high interest rates which promised for 10% annual through transfer method for the nominal of IDR 2 billion from Herman Lunardi (her father) that also include as Maybank client and second generation owner of PT Sinar Sakti Union.  Furthermore, Winda's route was followed by her mother, Floetta Lizzy Wiguna, as well to open similar account through transfer method from his husband within the amount of IDR 5 billion. However, the clients (Winda and her mother) claims that both of them never receive passbook and ATM card during this 5 years. Those thing is inversely related to the internal notes of bank for having the statement that each client already received passbook and ATM card.

Until in February 2020, her mother wants to took the money in her account by coming to Maybank branch in Mangga Dua district and acknowledged by employee about the rest of the money that she and her daughter have respectively for IDR 17 million and IDR 600 thousand. Clients claim about their money should has the nominal of IDR 22.8 billion within the distribution of IDR 17.8 billion for Winda and IDR 5 billion for her mother, entirely is transferred by her father account. Then, Winda and her family ask for the bank responsibility of this incident yet not fully responded to. Therefore, clients decided to use law by reporting its case to Bareskrim Polri in May 2020.

There are several gaffe that be found during the investigation such as the amount of interest does not match between received (IDR 576 million) and promised (IDR 1.2 billion) for the periods of 2014-2016, along with anomaly medium that used both origin and destination account. Interest paid through AT personal account in BCA and the receiver was not Winda or her mother but Herman Lunardi as the father and husband for both parties. Brigjen Awi Setiyono, Karonpenmas Divisi Humas Polri as the investigator also find the Prudential insurance policy purchase transaction that used Winda's account within the nominal of IDR 6 billion. In the next one month, money from those insurance policy disbursed and got into her father account for IDR 4.8 billion. Investigator guessed that suspect also control winda's father account without the owner's knowledge.

Suspect (AT) admit the motive of his act related to funds embezzlement to fulfill branch target and improve his name in purpose of position promotion. The police currently confiscate various assets of those branch leader which consist of 1 unit building in Jade Park residence Serpong 2, 1 unit building in Central Land Paradise residence, 1 unit of Nissan Livina, and cash for IDR 13 million. The police keep to trace the suspect assets and continue the investigation to analyze the case deeper. Because of his act, the suspect punished based article 49 paragraph 1 and 2 UU No. 10 1998 and article 3, 4, 5 UU No. 8 2010 related to the prevention and eradication of money laundry act. For this incident, Wimboh Santoso as the leader of OJK commissioner board gives the opinion about the clients money can be returned if in the investigation, clients is not prove guilty. Nevertheless, if the facts shows the opposite, then Maybank has a right to cancel the funds reimbursement.

In this case, we as the client can take several lesson learned to prevent this incident happen to us in the future. First, don't easily moved by return in the form of interest which too big and too good to be true because remember high return involve proportional high risk. Second, proactive attitude is very substantial specifically related to the anything we have such as ask the existence and request ATM card and pass book (if provided; Tahapan Xpresi BCA indeed not enclose it to its clients) yet routinely check the amount of balance through mobile banking. Last but not least, knowledge regarding bank performance is vital for a client that want to entrust their money. Several indicators that include in financial health can be a benchmark for our current and candidate bank performance.

Below attached Maybank financial health analysis which using CAMEL (Capital Assets Management Earnings Liquidity) method. In addition, those data is a calculation from the information listed in Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Financial Ratio June 2020 which already published by the bank in official website OJK. Based on calculation, Maybank can be categorized into unhealthy bank for having 57.28 points (exist in the range of 51-66).

Appraisal Factors


Calculation Results

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