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ICT Era in Peso

17 September 2020   15:45 Diperbarui: 17 September 2020   15:53 22
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A few weeks ago, I went to peso using a motorcycle. Peso is one of the sub-districts in Bulungan regency of North Borneo. I arrived at Peso after traveling about 5 hours, it was dark and I had to cross again through the river, but none of the boats I met to take me across. I intended calling my friend to pick me up but there was no phone signal. After waiting for a long time and the day had been dark.

Finally, I decided to spend the night in that place. Luckily I found a hut for sleeping although had to fight with mosquitoes and got cold because only slept on the outside. Around 8 a.m. I could cross to long Bia village and then continue to Peso. In Peso I just knew that Telkomsel as the only provider telephone network got damaged. So had to stay there without being able to connect with our family outside.

The first day was so bored because in this modern era, where communication is so important suddenly the signal disappeared and everything felt limited. After lunch there was not much to do, we could not watch television because the electricity in Peso only works 12 hours starting at 6 pm to 6.30 am tomorrow. In the afternoon to spend the time, I played sepak takraw while waiting for the electricity turn on but what a disappointed when arrived at home was still dark because the electricity was not yet on. After checking what happened, known if the pulse of electricity was run out and to buy it must use the telephone network. Finally, I slept in a friend's house that night.

Tomorrow morning I asked the speedboat driver who was going to the city to buy me the electric pulse and asked to send the electric pulse number back as soon as possible. Without a communication network, everything becomes difficult. Usually, after Maghrib prayer, I call my wife and children or my parents to know their news. Surely they were also confused and worried about me here.

A few days had passed without a network, Telkomsel technicians had come but the network was also not good. Finally, I decided to send a letter to my wife via a speedboat to tell her if I was good in Peso. After waiting for a week finally, the problem of the communication network in Peso could be overcome and all people were very glad. That night I could call my family and spent the night happily.

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