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Ahlis Qoidah Noor
Ahlis Qoidah Noor Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Educator, Doctor, Author, Writer

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"The Troublemakers in The Class"

2 Mei 2018   23:26 Diperbarui: 3 Mei 2018   00:00 549
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A class consists of many students with their different characteristics. Some of them are active in learning and some others just be silent ones, no activity to do. The others are troublemakers.

 When a teacher is teaching, usually he won't be glad if there are some troublemakers but not for the "good teachers". The latest like to have the troublemakers "live" peacefully in the class to make it more colorful and the teacher has the chance to make them better through a range of activities. 

Sometimes, he has to design a serious research to have a fun active learning. He has to find the clear and valid data to make a decision on it. Although sometimes he has to change the methods or find the appropriate ones. It is no matter for him as he is " a good teacher". When he is successful in providing the best for them we call him " an inspiring teacher". A teacher who has given his findings to make the students good at learning. 

They could be a teacher of mathematics, English, PPKN ( Civic ), Javanese language, Bahasa or others. Everybody can be a good teacher or an inspiring one. It is his right to choose which one he wants to be.No matter about the lesson he takes. He has to be ready to prepare everything relating to it. He could be a teacher in a kindergarten, an elementary school, a junior high school or a senior high school.

When a teacher has decided to choose then he has his real world of teaching and learning. He will find the ways for problem-solving. He will be addicted to the research, finding new ways to solve the problem and at last, he will love the troublemakers. Do you know why? Because the troublemakers have forced him to seek the best method of teaching and forced him to find the realia, the media, the source, the reference to make his class alive.

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