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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Jurassic World (2015) Technology Education

29 November 2020   18:09 Diperbarui: 29 November 2020   18:35 112
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Jurassic  world is a 2015 american sciene fiction adventure film. It's the fourth installment of the Jurassic park film series and the first intallment in the Jurassic world trilogy. 

Set 22 years after the events of Jurassic park, Jurassic world takes place on the same fictional central American island of isla nublar, which is located off the pacific coast of costa rica, where a theme park of cloned dinosaurs has operated for nearly a decade. The park plunges into chaos when a transgenic dinosaurs escapes from its enclosure and goes on a rampage. 

The technology education that we can conclude in this film is about the ambition of the scientist that really want to bring back a dinosaurs to modern era. Using a dna manipulation of some animals to recreate dna of a dinosaurs. In this film they finally made a theme park full of dinosaurs attraction and they also have information hall about all of the dinosaurs so the visitors can learn about the history of each dinosaurs. 

The information hall can really interest a lot of people to study about dinosaurs because they can look directly at the dinosaurs and not just look from picture or their skeleton. They also teach the dinosaurs to obey human order, so they  can make the dinosaurs benign. 

All of this technology advances on Jurassic world can really change the world into a better places to human being, because if they can recreate a dna of dinosaurs maybe they also can bring back a lot of important plants for medication and maybe one day modified human being dna for medical purposed. 

But danger of this invention is many people wil misuse the technology education for their own purposed, because the advanced technology can make a global issue for an example Black markets emerge when people exchange goods or services that governments prohibit.

A major modern cause of poaching illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals is unfortunately the high demand for illegal wildlife products as a status symbol. This status value is affected by factors like the scarcity of certain animals, the danger they pose to the hunter and the difficulty of circumventing their legal protections.

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