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"Global Warming, Is It Human's Fault?"

21 Maret 2018   10:47 Diperbarui: 21 Maret 2018   10:50 326
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Many of us think that the occurrence of global warming is due to human activity. But, is that true? Then, what is the cause of global warming itself?  Let me tell you guys. So, some of the causes are the increased carbon monoxide gas from motor vehicles, Greenhouse effect, Industrial exhaust gases, Uncontrolled use of CFCs, Decreased forest area, Gasoline vehicle pollution, wasteful use of electricity, methane pollution by agriculture, plantation, and animal husbandry, and Modern house concept. I will explain.

1. Increase carbon monoxide gas from motor vehicles

The cause of global warming caused by human activity itself, the more densely populated around the world and the human population continues increasing then the number of motor vehicles will also always increase.

Motor vehicle effects are very influential for global warming because the gas emitted by motor vehicles is carbon monoxide gas which is very harmful to human health and carbon monoxide gas also causes greenhouse effect.

2. Greenhouse effect

The cause of the greenhouse effect is the heat effect reflected on the earth's surface trapped by the gas in the atmosphere so it stops and can't be transmitted back into space and as a result the solar heat will be reflected back to the surface. Earth surface.

The greenhouse effect is also beneficial to earth and living things on earth, but if global warming is also more likely to cause adverse effects on the lives of living things on earth.

3. Industrial exhaust gases

Industrial exhaust gases are the cause of the greenhouse effect that also affects the lives of living things because they can cause air pollution caused by excessive factory smoke, because factory smoke emits gas in the form of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane gas and others.

4. Uncontrolled use of CFCs

CFCs are the Cloro Four Carbon that causes global warming that can still be handled, CFCs are chemicals that are combined into materials and then used as a manufacturer of home appliances. CFCs are commonly found in refrigerators and air conditioners that cause global warming.

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