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Ilmu Sosbud

Get to Know More about Leadership

10 November 2022   09:52 Diperbarui: 10 November 2022   09:56 154
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Leadership is the ability to use creativity to make other people want to do what we want, but as if what they do is their own will, with predetermined goals. "Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because you want to do it," said Dwight Eisenhower.It is the best way for our team and organization to run well and be successful.


There are two opinions about leadership theory: the first argues that leaders are born, meaning that if a leader gives birth to a child, then the child will become a leader as well, while the second opinion suggests that leaders are made, meaning that everyone can become a leader if they have the characteristics and qualities of a leader. Trait theory, behavioral theory, situational leadership, transformational leadership, and visionary leadership can all be used to determine leadership.


The leader must make his subordinates able to do what he orders, so for that, the leader must have a strong character. There are at least 5 characteristics of a leader, ranging from credibility, respect, the ability to tolerate mistakes, trust, and being exemplary. The five characteristics above are related to each other, so they cannot be separated.


The SPARKLE concept is a summary of the tasks of a leader. The concept was put forward by Ronald Krausse, which means: Share worth, Purpose, Accomplishment, Responsible, Knowledge, Ladder, and Example.


In the application of the SPARKLE concept, a leader has a role as a facilitator, where the leader must facilitate interaction between individuals and units. Furthermore, as an administrator, the leader functions as a catalyst, decision-maker, and delegation of tasks and responsibilities.

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