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Richard Nixon Romantic Side

14 Maret 2012   00:35 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   08:05 174
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Denpasar, 14 Maret 2012 For commemorate suppose to be 100th birthday of Pat Nixon, The Nixon Presidential library release 6 personal letter between Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon, when they were courting. These letters do not erase some of the mistake in American Politics. But look at this post script, when Richard Nixon had romantic and sweet heart to someone that he love dearly. These love letters will be display at the Nixon Presidential Library and Meseum in Yorba Linda, CA for several months. Surat menyurat antara Richard Nixon dan Patricia terjadi di 1938-sampai 1940. Who is Richard Nixon? His real name is Richard Milhous Nixon. (January 9, 1913 ā€“ April 22, 1994) His father name is Francis A. Nixon and his mother name is Hannah Milhous Nixon. He had 4 brothers, Harold, Donald, Arthur, and Edward. Many of people knew him as 37th President of United States of America, serving one term from 1969 to 1974 and resign after won reelection and involved in Watergate scandal. He was born in Yorba Linda, California, on January 9, 1913. His family owned small farm, grow and sell Lemon on their small store. Graduate High School from Whittier High School. Undergraduate from Wittier College, CA in 1934. Law Degree from Duke University School of Law in 1937. Serve in US Navy during World War II, under South Pacific Combat Air Transport Command base in Honolulu. And Pat Nixon real name is Thelma Catherine "Pat" Ryan Nixon. She was in small mining, Ely, Nevada on born March 16, 1912. And passed away ar her home in New Jersey, on June 22, 1993. Here some quote of their love and romantic letters.

"Every day and every night, I want to see you and be with you. Yet...... I have no feeling of selfish ownership or jealousy. In fact, I should always want you to live just as you wanted - because... if you didn't then you would change and wouldn't be you," "Let's go for a long ride Sundays; let's go to the mountains weekends; let's read books in front of fires; most of all let's really grow together and find the happiness we know is ours,"

Nixon called her lover as "dearest heart."

"Somehow on Tuesday, There was something electric in the usually, almost stifling air of Whittier, and now I know, an Irish gypsy, who radiates all that is happy and beautiful was there. She left behind a note address, with struggling barrister, who looks from a window and dreams. He found sunshine, flowers, and great spirit. He knew he find so many fine things about this girl, he had learn to know. And thought he is prosaic person, his heart was filled with that, grand poetic music, Which make us wish to those we love, And though, he knew he should not bore with those thoughts.

Richard Nixon was a complex person, today we all learn the intimate and romantic side of him. Nara sumber 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Jack Soetopo

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