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Linggar Sevi Andari

Mahasiswa Unisa

Understanding the Digital Framework to Start Creating Content

Diperbarui: 30 November 2022   03:17

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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

At the second meeting, the UNISA Communication Science students came back to take part in offline training at Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta with other MSMEs at BRICafe X Couvee on Jl. Team Sagan. No. 123, Terban, Kec. Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta City. 

The Digital Marketing Program this time was explained directly by Ms. Bondan Satria, she is a Copywriting Expert and will explain step by step a series of materials about Digital Marketing for the next 7 meetings.

The topic that will be discussed by Ms. Bondan is the Digital Marketing Framework for Beginners. Simply put, Digital Marketing is marketing or promoting a product using digital media or the internet with the aim of attracting consumers or potential customers quickly, and it's as simple as looking for interested people to get buyers, but it's not that easy. 

Digital Marketing has 2 (two) main important components, namely Traffic (Enthusiasts) and Conversion (Buyers). important in digital marketing. Because basically followers are not necessarily customers, while customers are not always followers.

He also explained that each target market has its own character, and when the level of awareness is not aligned, different tactics must be followed. So it is necessary to identify the target market according to the level of awareness.
1. Unaware

2. Problem aware

3. Solution

4. Product aware
Therefore, start by understanding your business model, don't just rely on viral but don't sell and don't just have lots of followers but poor customers. he also gave a message that selling well was by buying more people, buying faster, buying more.


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