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Review Film "Ali and Ratu-Ratu Queens"

Diperbarui: 23 November 2021   16:40

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Film. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Martin Lopez


Title                  :  Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens

Genre               : Drama Comedy

Producer         :  Muhammad Zaidy dan Meiske Taurisia 

Director           : Lucky Kuswandi 

Screenwriter : Gina S. Noer 

Artist                : Iqbaal Ramadhan(Ali), Marissa Anita(Mia/ibu Ali). Ibnu Jamil(Hasan/ayah Ali), Aurora Ribero(Eva), Tika Panggabean (Ance), Nirina Zubir (Party), Asri Welas (Biyah), Happy Salma (Chinta) 

Distributor     : Netflix

Ali & the Queens of Queens tells of a career, regrets and missunderstandings. This film tells the story of a boy, namely Ali, who is the main character in this film. As a child he lived happily with his parents, until Ali's mother decided to pursue her dream of becoming a singer in New York, after which Ali's family atmosphere began to fall apart. Ali, who was left by his mother since elementary school, lived with his father. Time passed, the news from his mother never came, Ali began to grow up and his father began to get sick, his father died while in the kitchen due to a heart attack, since then Ali has lived with his father's family.

Ali couldn't stand looking for his mother to new york, then he asked his aunt and uncle's permission, first they didn't allow it but ali insisted, and armed with the house he was renting and desperate then ali went to New York, Arriving there, Ali went to his mother's old residence in Queens, there he met Indonesian women, one of whom was his mother's old friend, party, he was introduced to some of his friends, namely, Ance, Biyah, and Chinta. 

Then Ali lived with the women in Queens while looking for his mother's whereabouts. Long story short, the party found his mother's location, which was in an elite area of New York. Then the next day Ali made his mother's favorite rendang to give to his mother, but an unexpected thing happened, Ali's mother was surprised and refused his arrival.

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