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Ruby Astari

Penulis, penerjemah, pengajar Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, pembaca, dan pemikir kritis.

"Daddy Wasn't Well..."

Diperbarui: 6 Agustus 2017   11:22

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Cerpen. Sumber ilustrasi: Unsplash

I looked at the clock in the waiting hall that afternoon. It was past after three. Silence was deafening.

Looking at my hands, I heard approaching footsteps. I was still staring at my badly chewed-up nails (even one finger had dried blood in it) when the footsteps stopped next to me. Then I heard her familiar voice.

"Ready to go home?"

I looked up and saw her exhausted face. Then I got up and followed her to the parking lot.

The drive home was filled with unsettling silence. Mom was obviously struggling for something to say as she was driving. Me? I didn't feel like talking.

When we finally arrived home, Mom parked the car in the driveway. She heaved a sigh before turning to me, her eyes flashing in anger and exhaustion.

"What were you thinking?!" she suddenly yelled. "A two-week detention, breaking another kid's nose? This isn't like you!"

"Well, maybe you don't know me very well--" I began, but she interrupted me.

"--don't get you get smart with me, young lady!" she snapped, slapping at the steering wheel. She was almost hysterical now. "I want an explanation!"

"Oh, do you?" I sneered. Before I could stop myself, I went on, "How about this, Mom? They said Daddy is a sinner and he's going to hell for what he did - AND THEY JUST WOULDN'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT!!"

Silence. Mom's face went pale, her eyes wide with shock. I didn't wait for her response, though. I just opened the car door, rushed into the house, up into my room before slamming the door behind me.

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