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Are You A Slave To Your Emotions?

Diperbarui: 12 Februari 2022   18:42

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Lyfe. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/8photo

"Are you alright right now?"

 I know some people spontaneously say "Yes". Part of it doesn't want to answer too hastily. For you who just keep silent. You can write down the possible answers. List all your feelings this evening. 

Truth be told!

We have emotions and it is normal. We are human beings who feel cheerful, happy, sad, irritated, stressed, and all feelings. However, we occasionally have no idea how to react wisely.  Whether we like it or not, we are puppets of our emotions. Sometimes we make a complex decision by consulting our feelings, not our thoughts. Against our best intentions, we substitute the question, 

"What do I think about this?" with "How do I feel about this?" 

Due to your problems, you maybe feel stressed, pressured, and tortured. But hang on a second. Take a look around. Your eyes will be opened by reality. You are going to see beggars, orphans, people in debt, and many more people are struggling for their lives.

Open your eyes to the other! 

Pain exists in every person's heart. You are not alone. I believe that all human in this world has their own misery.

I have watched an Islamic speech from a cleric, Aa Gym. This is an event scheduled every Friday. I am enlightened that we can not be sunk into sadness and difficulty. We still have a God who always be there for us. Do not even be a slave to our emotions. We can control that and make it positive. Remember! this is just temporary, and after that everything is gonna be alright.


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