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Hendra Jawanai

Creative Director/Producer/Writer

A Short Poem: Pantai

Diperbarui: 15 Mei 2023   07:25

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Gambar oleh Jensen Art Co dari Pixabay.


as I sit by the tranquil shore
a symphony of peace begins to pour
the waves gently caress the sand
whispering secrets of a distant land

the ocean's depths, a mysterious abyss
a canvas for dreams that lovers kiss
the salty air carries a soothing song
melodies of serenity, where I belong

the seagulls glide with effortless grace
their wings painting patterns in space
I close my eyes, embrace the moment
lost in thoughts, my soul is potent

the golden sun dips below the horizon
a blaze of colors, a masterpiece arisen
the sky transforms into a tapestry divine
starry constellations, a celestial sign

time stands still in this hallowed place
a sanctuary where worries erase
I feel the rhythm of life's ebb and flux
a tranquil solace, where serenity lux

the whispers of the waves, a gentle balm
my spirit cleansed, my essence calm
with every breath, I'm in harmony
in this seaside sanctuary, I'm truly free

I cherish these moments, forever stored
in the depths of my heart, deeply adored
for here, in nature's embrace so pure
I find solace and peace, forever endure

Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, 12 Mei 2023

#puisinggris #keminggris - pantai



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