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Soto Gelap Pondok Labu: The Famous Soto Banyumas Culinary Over 200 Servings in 4 Hours!

Diperbarui: 12 Juni 2022   15:58

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Soto Gelap Pondok Labu, South Jakarta

This soto culinary comes from the South Jakarta area, namely Soto Gelap Pondok Labu, which is basically Soto Banyumas. The origin of the nickname "Soto Gelap" is from the community because this soto opens at night and is in a dark place. This soto stall is precisely located on Jalan Margasatwa, in front of Wisma Sangha. This Soto can also be purchased through GoShop.

The atmosphere at night at the Pondok Labu Soto Dark restaurant

Soto Gelap Pondok Labu has been around for more than 20 years. This soto is popular among the public because it has been reviewed by a famous culinary presenter of his time, namely Mr. Bondan Winarno. In addition, this soto has also been included in the Boengkoes Youtube video content and has been watched by more than five hundred thousand users.

This Soto is open every day starting at half past 6 pm, and usually, by 9 pm, it has sold out more than 200 servings. However, before sunset, visitors are already quite crowded to fill this place. Soto Gelap consists of rice, vermicelli, bean sprouts, celery, crackers, and dried meat with hot yellow sauce soaking the filling.

before sunset at the Pondok Labu Soto Dark stall

One portion of soto can be enjoyed at a local price for only Rp. 13,000 if it is mixed with rice and Rp. 12,000 without rice. In his sale, Mr. Misbah also provides various satays for IDR 2,500/skewer consisting of gizzard, intestine, and egg satay. This soto is unique and different from other soto because the chicken topping uses dry meat in the form of crispy chicken. Interestingly here, sweet tea is provided free of charge, and then you can also take your own chili sauce, crackers, tomatoes, and limes.

One portion of soto gelap pondok labu

The seller of this soto stall is a middle-aged man named Misbahrudin from Banten, who currently resides in Pondok Labu. He sells assisted by 4 employees. According to the story, this soto shop does not actually belong to Mr. Misbah. He is only the successor of the original owner of the soto, which he usually calls "pakde".

Mr. Misbah

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