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How are The Conditions of Book Sales After Covid-19 Pandemic?

Diperbarui: 9 Desember 2022   22:58

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Ahead of entering the new school year, people began to make a number of preparations. One of them is to buy a number of books to use for learning in the 2022/2023 school year. According to L. Hutajulu's mother, one of the writing book traders in Panombeian, Simalungun District, North Sumatra. 

The increase in new sales was felt in July of this new school year. In this new school year, book sales have increased compared to the last 2 years which have decreased due to the enactment of PPKM which has made a number of schools have to do online schooling and this school year many parents bought writing books because of the implementation of face-to-face schools again.Entering the new school year, the turnover obtained can reach IDR 1 million per day. This sales are increasing ahead of entering the D-day of school period. If reviewed from last year the sales turnover this year 2022 has increased, that is, it can sell for around 50 dozen notebooks, in the new school year 2021 it sold only 30 dozen, and in 2020 35 dozen, In the new school year in July 2019 it was 55 dozen, and in 2018 it 53 dozen and in 2017 50 dozen. 


The sales of books in the shop of mother L.Hutajulu from 2017 - 2019 experienced a decline and in 2020- 2021 the sales of writing books in the shop of mother L.Hutajulu decreased and in 2022 the sales of writing books in the mother's shop L.Hutajulu again experienced an increase. It is known that The sale of writing books of  mother L.Hutajulu is always a lot at the beginning of the new school year because in the area of the mother L.Hutajulu (only the mother) sells writing books, it was later discovered that the distance of the area where the buk lene lived to the city was quite far, so instead of the parents of the parents of the students, they chose to buy at the place where  lived.

It is known that the sales of L.Hutajulu's mother's writing books are always a lot at the beginning of the new school year because in L.Hutajulu's mother's area only she sells writing books, it is also known that the distance of the area where L.Hutajulu's mother lives to the city is quite far, so the parents of students in the area choose to buy books at L.Hutajulu's mother's shop.


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