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3rd World Countries and Market Economy

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   04:31

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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

The market economy system is a necessity and a trend setter in the early 21st century that must be followed by 3rd Countries and must.If they do not want to fall into the abyss international isolation.Total State followers of this system experienced significant growth every year.

However, if the view towards North Africa will be found that warming of this system has brought the impact of social revolution such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen has even set foot in mainland Europe *. SouthwestIn the next period we will see a number of other revolutions the region *.

Conventional Economic Systems Changes State 3rd towards Market Economy System must be gradual, systematic and carried out in a matter of decades, why this should be done?Because the social gaps that exist in it very deeply, and the imposition of speed in it will take a lot of casualties, especially from among the Marginal (The Pak Djoyo).

In the 3rd State of Food, Health, Education and Housing are the foundation and pillars for the establishment of State and the creation of next generation that is ready to address the severity of competition will be the Market Economy.

But if the 4th Pillar and Foundation of the 3rd States was inserted into the economy Market where Capital power is the main weapon, then we can imagine 50 years after if: enough food, decent health, good education and decent housing will be owned by a few people, where the majority of the 3rd State Populationexperiencing impoverishment and Duping systematically.Why does this happen?Because this is the will of the market that always wants growth in every opportunity.

Most of the 3rd World People's income from year to year is not increased significantly, if their income has increased 'Value', which received well below the value of inflation they have to shoulder.

So Social Security in this case relating to the 3rd State Primary 4Pilar must be protected and the primary responsibility of the organizers Governance by the Act where the 'Forbidden' for the market economy into the region.


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