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Trip Pilihan

Western Part of Sumatra: The Beauty of Indonesian's Exotic Nature in Pariaman

23 Desember 2024   00:30 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2024   00:35 104
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(The Landmark of Pantai Penyu (Source: Personal Documentation))

Most of the people, when they hear the word 'Indonesia', they often frowned. But, when they hear Bali, in unison they will answer 'Yeah, I know Bali'. Or, some people might react like, 'Oh, I've been to Bali before'.

This is, my friend, what we called an irony.

They know Bali, but they don't know that Bali is a part of Indonesia. They don't know that they visited Indonesia, they only know Bali, the island of gods.

There's no one to blame on this matter, but the government. They often pay less attention to tourist attractions. Even, in some places, there's no tourist attraction at all. How could people want to visit a city if there's no intriguing place to go to?

As for Indonesia, she has already gifted by God such as beautiful islands, exotic nature, diverse animals, even friendly citizens that can be one of the reasons why tourists feel safe when they travel here. All those aspects are enough to be the reasons why Indonesia is such a visitable country. But again, that's not enough. We need a lot of works to make that dream come true.

Speaking of beautiful islands and diverse animals, there's this region in West Sumatra that offers a godly scenery with its cute little animals, turtles. Pariaman is the name of the city that is also a home to the beautiful beach called Pantai Penyu. 'Penyu' is an Indonesian word for 'turtle', so basically Pantai Penyu means the Turtles' Beach.

As implied by its name, it is a home to many species of turtles. Some of the species are Penyu Hijau or Chelonia mydas and Penyu Sisik or Eretmochelys imbricate. They also have a hatchery place where they incubate the eggs of the turtles and wait until they hatch to be baby turtles.

(Penyu Hijau or Chelonia mydas (Sourse: Personal Documentation))
(Penyu Hijau or Chelonia mydas (Sourse: Personal Documentation))

(Penyu Sisik or Eretmochelys imbricate (Source: Personal Documentation))
(Penyu Sisik or Eretmochelys imbricate (Source: Personal Documentation))

Aside from enjoying the beautiful scenery of the open sea that directly faces the Indian Ocean, the tourists can also have the opportunity to release the baby turtles into the sea. They only have to pay for Rp5.000,- or less than a dollar per baby turtle to be able to experience this occasion.

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