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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Climate Change Affecting Adaptation Agricultural Sector in Indonesia

30 Juni 2022   18:46 Diperbarui: 30 Juni 2022   18:49 129
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony


Hello all, I'm an agricultural student. Below are either of my English assignments; it is a final exam about writing an opinion essay. So happy reading!

Climate change is becoming a hot topic worldwide, especially in Indonesia. So I am fully in agreement with the issue because climate change impacts the agricultural sector. Ananda and Tri's (2019) study revealed that diminished productivity in Indonesia's agriculture
is because of climate change. Besides that, farmers in Indonesia have limited information about climate change. According to Kalinda at Kurniawati (2012), most farmers attribute climate change to supernatural forces. Then farmers also lack tips about how to deal with climate change. Even farmers are wrong to estimate the dry or rainy season earlier (Ariefiansyah, 2022).

By looking at the phenomena that happen in Indonesia's agricultural sector, of course, we need an adaptation effort for farmers. But government policies related to farming adaptation are still lacking. In the study area, there are gaps in climate change mitigation and adaptation policies and implementations at the national level, local governments, and communities (Sekaranom et al., 2021). Farmers lack information about adaptation strategies to climate change and funding. Following Fachrista et al. (2019), in the adaptation's implementation strategy, the farmers have to face some principal constraints regarding funding and information. So, we need to adapt our strategy in the agricultural sector.

The explanation of the problems above about climate change affecting the adaptation agricultural sector in Indonesia shows we require solutions. Therefore, I propose two solutions related to farming adaptation problems in Indonesia. First, the agriculture extension services must continue to provide instructions regarding weather changes, information on selecting the correct commodities, and the use of technology so that farmers can adapt to climate change. In addition, as a student, the solution related to agricultural adaptation strategies in Indonesia is to collaborate between agriculture students and the government to provide sustainable field schools to help improve agricultural product quality so it can help fund. I hope with the two solutions, agriculture adaptation in Indonesia will be better so it can enhance welfare for farmers.

Ananda, R.R. & Tri W. 2019. A General Assessment of Climate Change -- Loss of Agricultural Productivity in Indonesia. MPRA, 91316: 1-22.
Ariefiansyah, R. 2022. Petani dan Pengetahuan Perubahan Iklim. (accessed May 24, 2022).
Fachrista, I.A., Irham, Masyhuri, Any S. 2019. Perception of climate change and barriers to adaptation among organic vegetable farmers in Central Java, Indonesia. Eurasia J. Biosci, 13: 1727-1735.
Kurniawati, F. 2012. Pengetahuan dan Adaptasi Petani Sayuran Terhadap Perubahan Iklim. Tesis. Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung.
Sekaranom, A.B., Emilya N., Fitria N. 2021. Agricultural Climate Change Adaptation in Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. Sustainability, 13(13), 7069: 1-16.

Thanks for reading and if you want to discuss more you can leave a comment or contact me on Instagram (@rndwening). Cause we have a lot of problems in Indonesia's agriculture and need new and more perspective to handle it. Or are you interested to become an agricultural student?

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