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Rekor Cantik Tidak Cukup Messi

23 November 2022   00:37 Diperbarui: 23 November 2022   00:45 191 5
Aduhai apa gerangan kawan
Kenapa tembok besar Argentina rubuh seketika
Katanya tak terkalahkan 36 laga sebelumnya

Aduhai apa gerangan Messi
Kau tampak tergopoh-gopoh
Kau mengatakan ini adalah pukulan yang sangat berat

Duhai apa gerangan Argentina
Kekalahan ini menyakitkan, kata Messi
Tapi tim harus tetep percaya diri

Semua yang lalu
Biarlah berlalu
Jadikan pelajaran
Jangan lengah
Jangan hancur di tangan Meksiko
Jangan lemah di hadapan Polandia

Untukmu dariku Messi:
"no seas arrogante messi
arriba del cielo aun hay cielo




Oh, what the heck, friend
Why did the Great Wall of Argentina fall suddenly?
He said he was unbeaten in his previous 36 matches

Oh, what the heck is Messi
You seem in a hurry
You say this is a very heavy blow

Oh, what is Argentina
"This defeat hurts," said Messi
But the team must remain confident

All past
Let bygones be bygones
Make it a lesson
Do not be careless
Don't get crushed at the hands of the Mexicans
Don't be weak in front of Poland

For you from me Messi:
"no seas arrogant messi
arriba del cielo aun hay cielo"


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