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The Little Bird's Song (Nyanyian Burung Kecil)

6 Agustus 2020   14:34 Diperbarui: 6 Agustus 2020   15:45 207 30
Under the tree
I stood up at that time
Listening to a beautiful song
In a harmony

I closed my eyes
Tried to be close to the nature
Where I found a piece of peace
And filled my heart with that lovely song

The little bird was on the tree top
Never stop
Sang and brought the music
A song about the nature
The peace I needed the most

Do I always remember this sweet memory
When my heart filled up with a bowl of happiness
Now I know the little bird's song
Is always be the instrument of happiness
In the deepest of my heart

That's way
I do like to stay
Under the tree


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