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UNISA Students Creat Content about Buy Bakmie Djowo What Do You Get?

30 November 2022   10:53 Diperbarui: 30 November 2022   11:06 83 0

Group 2 of the Rumah BUMN training program created the 6th marketing content. In every content we create, we try to make it as interesting as possible and follow what the MSMEs want as much as possible. There is some content that is rejected by UMKM, but we are still trying to evaluate the content that we create.

In our 6th content, we post photos with a slightly more modern and fresher concept. If previously the photos we posted were simple, this time we made them a little more lively. The message that we want to convey from this photo is about what customers will get when buying Bakmie Djoo Mbah Atmo products.

We use a table as the background, then we add several components such as a wooden cutting board, chili and other tools. Here we present the contents of the instant Djowo noodles in the form of yellow noodles, vermicelli noodles, wet spices and dry spices. We also provide complementary components such as chili and noodles which are still in the package.


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