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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Vaccine Should Not Be Mandatory, This is the Strong Reason from the Citizens

8 Maret 2021   13:20 Diperbarui: 8 Maret 2021   18:21 89
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The coronavirus is not yet tired of being an antagonistic player who is ready to be scorned and cursed by many people. Its popularity has skyrocketed from 2019 until now. Most countries in the world are very familiar with this deadly virus, including Indonesia. This Covid-19 attack has begun to colonize freedom of assembly and handshakes in Indonesia since early 2020. Now it has been counted for more than 1 year of the existence of this deadly virus in Indonesia. During the past year, Indonesia has been aggressively implementing a health protocol that prohibits people from gathering in crowded places, shaking hands or touching other people, not wearing mouth masks, attending school face-to-face, traveling to other areas, and traveling outside the region or returning home village. One year is a year of suffering for the people of Indonesia who feel that the coronavirus should have disappeared from this earth, so that life will return to being as beautiful as before.

As we all know that the effort to get rid of the virus is to create a vaccine that is potent and clinically tested for its accuracy. In 2021, Indonesia has succeeded in bringing in vaccines obtained from China. The presence of this vaccine does not immediately disperse the anxiety of the Indonesian people about the currently rampant arrogance of the coronavirus the existence of this vaccine has created several debates for and against the Indonesian people. As noted by Rizqy A.Z. on on January 26, 2021, that a survey by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, WHO, and UNICEF conducted in November 2020 with more than 112,000 respondents showed that only 64.8% were willing to be vaccinated. Others, 7.6% refused Covid vaccination and 27.6% did not say they knew. The percentage of parties who refuse vaccination is a focus that deserves attention because these parties have several strong reasons for rejecting vaccinations that are believed to be antigenic for immunity.

The first reason is public fear and doubt about the vaccine. Most people are very afraid of the side effects that might occur after vaccination. Many say that the vaccine liquid may change or even hurt organs in the human body causing damage to the brain and others. In this regard, the statement of a member of the House of Representatives Commission IX of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Ribka Tjiptaning became the spotlight of many people because of his hesitant tone about vaccination. Ribka said that he did not want to be vaccinated even when he got older. Rebekah's doubts about vaccination arise from her notes on some of the side effects of the vaccine. Ribka offered several examples from some disasters following the implementation of the vaccination program, such as the polio vaccine and the elephant leg vaccine. According to records, the vaccine program caused impacts such as paralysis to death in several areas. "So, don't mess with this vaccine. I said I was the first to refuse the vaccine," he said. ( Apart from doubting and fearing the side effects of the vaccine, many Indonesians do not believe in clinical trials and the halalness of the vaccine. The health ministry's statement regarding a vaccine containing a dead virus and unlikely to cause infection for the user (Dzulfaroh, 2021), as if it still cannot destroy doubts and fears for many people.

Besides the doubts and fears of the Indonesian people, there are surprising facts from the country of origin which is the producer of vaccines for Indonesia. Not long ago, the virtual world was shocked by a post from Facebook user Toni Suharto, as recorded on, he said that Indonesia imports vaccines from China, while China imports vaccines from Germany. From these claims, it can be judged that there are peculiarities that lead to doubts about vaccination in Indonesia. Although the Chairman and CEO of the Chinese pharmaceutical company, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd, Wu Yifang said that the import of vaccines from Germany was to reach all people (Nuralam, 2020), the question arises why the Chinese government does not prioritize its people to be completely vaccinated using vaccines. Homemade results and send them to other countries such as Indonesia?

The next reason why vaccination is not mandatory is the existence of human rights in Indonesia. Not far from its name, human rights are the rights given by the State to every citizen to have an opinion and others. Refusing to be vaccinated is a right that citizens exercise for their health. Such as the Law which was conveyed by Valerio in his legal blog regarding vaccination as a right based on Article 5 paragraph (3) of Law Number 36 the Year 2009 concerning Health, namely: "Everyone has the right to independently and responsibly determine the health services that are needed for himself". This provision implies being a citizen to determine health services for himself, which includes vaccinations. So that according to this article it is the person who is responsible, but the right of the person (Valerio, 2021). From the strictness of the law, it is clear that no element requires a person to be vaccinated. That is how human rights should run to safeguard the rights of citizens so that they are not taken away by other people.

From several reviews containing reasons for the refusal of vaccination, it appears that there is great fear in preventing the public from participating in vaccination. Confidence and encouragement of trust must continue to be given to society. Vaccination is not a bad thing, but it is an effort to increase immunity to win the battle with Covid-19. Because of human rights that are owned by citizens, vaccination should not be forced, let alone punish those who refuse to be vaccinated. If chaos arises due to this obligation, then human rights will continue to be questioned. For this reason, vaccine testing still needs to be studied in detail, and encouragement from both the health sector and the government to carry out vaccinations continues, all to build public confidence in the vaccination.

Sources: 1, 2,3,4,5 

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