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pentingnya pancasila dalam kehidupan sehari hari itu harus loh (english dispersions)

17 Oktober 2012   09:59 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   22:44 1400
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Pancasila will have no meaning without the practice. Pancasila is not just a symbol of unity and national pride. However, Pancasila is the reference life of society, nation and state. Therefore, we must practice the values ​​of Pancasila in their daily lives. Everyday behavior should reflect the noble values ​​of Pancasila. To practice Pancasila we do not have to be a state agency. We also do not have to be a soldier and take up arms. We can practice the values ​​of Pancasila in the family, school, and community. We can start from the small things in the family. For example, did the family council. Every family has problems. Well, the problem will be resolved within the family either through deliberation. You can learn to appreciate the differences of opinion and unite the family. Get used to doing it in the family.
In a school environment we must also familiarize deliberation. This is important because our friends are different. Various differences will be easier to put together deliberation. Problems that weight will feel lighter. The decision taken was a joint decision. It will strengthen the team spirit in the school. Without discussion, the differences rather than complementary. However, it would be contradictory. Therefore, we have to get used to deliberations at school. Harmonious life in the school environment will be maintained. Thus, you will not encounter difficulties in the wider environment. Starting from the family and then increased in the school, community, nation, and state.
1. Pancasila in Order Respecting Differences
Pancasila was formulated in the spirit of togetherness. One was manifested in respect for differences. Dissent is not a barrier to produce something better. It is an attitude that we must imitate. At that time, Indonesia has not had a basic state. However, the attitude of the figures have reflected the spirit of togetherness and a spirit warrior. They are willing to accept any differences when formulating the state's progress. Well, now we have had the Pancasila as the state is strong. The power of Pancasila has been proven over the establishment of the state of Indonesia. Pancasila was able to unite all the people of Indonesia. Pancasila is also able to withstand the undermining rebels. Therefore, we should be proud to have a strong basic state. We should be able to practice the values ​​of Pancasila in their daily lives. One is respect for diversity. We must have respect for differences such as in the formulation of Pancasila. We must realize that our country is made up of various ethnic groups. Each tribal nation has a variety of different cultures. Ethnicity and culture is not a barrier to unity. Yet it is precisely the difference it will make our country stronger unity as Pancasila.

2. Pancasila in Being Religious Tolerance
Practice Pancasila as the way of life of the nation (the nation's philosophy of life) means implement Pancasila in their daily lives, using the Pancasila as the day-to-day guidance, so that our lives can attain prosperity and happiness and unseen.

Pancasila practice in daily life is very important because that is expected to match the order of life (harmony).

That the whole practice of Pancasila (five precepts) is an important requirement for the realization of the ideals of our nation and state.

Pattern Implementation Guidelines Pancasila
Pattern practice implementation guidelines that Pancasila Pancasila do truly internalized and practiced by all citizens, both in life and in the life of a community. Therefore, it is expected to be more focused human development efforts in order to become human Pancasila Indonesia and nation building society to realize Pancasila.
1. Pathways used
1) Line Education
Education plays a very important role in the implementation of Pancasila, both formal education (schools) mapun non-formal education (in the family and the community), both of which are closely kaitanya with human life.
In a follow-formal education all his deeds should reflect the noble values ​​of Pancasila. In family education Pancasila should be inculcated and developed since the children were little, so that the process pendarah-dagingan Pancasila values ​​well and requires a supportive atmosphere. Communities were also menentukansehingga should be promoted in earnest in order to be a fertile ground for the implementation of Pancasila.
Through this education young students absorb the moral values ​​of Pancasila. Absorption moral values ​​Pacasila directed walk through the understanding and practice of thinking and personally. Guiding the implementation of Pancasila targets are individuals, families, communities, both within the individual dwelling, as well as in the workplace.
2) Line the mass media
The role of the mass media is very promising because of the influence of the mass media to the present is very strong, both in the formation of the character of positive and negative characters, targets the mass media is very broad ranging from children to the elderly. Socialization through the mass media is so fast and exciting that all people can enjoy both through the press, radio, television and internet. It opens up great opportunities to certain groups that should receive the socialization they received not the time and also the inclusion of socialization that are not constructive. The mass media is the path of education and its role in the broad sense is so important that it deserves its own prominence as a guideline pattern Pancasila. Thus, in using the mass media shall be maintained so as not to damage the nation's mental and should optimally use for socializing formation of national identity that Pancasila. So, for socialization socialization-threatening planting Pancasila should be censored.
3) Line socio-political organization
Pacansila practice should be applied to every element of the nation and state of Indonesia. Socio-political organization is the nation's container leaders in their respective fields according to their expertise, their roles and responsibilities. So that all the elements in the socio-political organizations such as the employees of the Republic of Indonesia should follow the guidelines pengmalan Pancasial that Pancasila as their personality than an Indonesian citizen, public servant as well as a public servant, so it will be easy obstacles faced and the goals and ideals life of Indonesia will be realized.
2. Creation of a supportive
1) Government policy and legislation
Translation of government policy and legislation is one of the pathways that can facilitate the implementation of guidelines for the practice of Pancasila which aspects of sanctions or enforcement hukm mendpat special emphasis.
2) the state apparatus
People ought to actively participate in creating the atmosphere and circumstances that drive the implementation of guidelines for the implementation of Pancasila. And civil servants, as the executor and the worshiper interests of the people must understand and address the problems that exist in the community. Facilities and infrastructure in the implementation Pacasila practice needs to be provided and functioning state institutions, especially law enforcement agencies to ensure the rights of its citizens and protect from perbutan-moral turpitude.
3) Leadership and community leaders
The role of leadership and community leaders, good leaders
formal and informal is very important in the implementation of
practice guidelines. They can convey how the pattern of the implementation of the guidelines Pancasila and ordered subordinates or followers to follow the pattern of Pancasila guidelines. so Pancasila will tetep les

A. Guidelines Pancasila
The appreciation and practice guidelines set forth in the provisions No.II/MPR/1978 Pancasila. Translation of MPR decree is (Ms Noor. Bakry: 1994, 183-185):
1. Sila deity Almighty
1) Faith and piety to God Almighty in accordance with their respective religions on the basis of a just and civilized humanity.
2) Develop the attitude of respect and cooperation between religious communities and faiths to God Almighty.
3) Develop mutual respect freedom to worship according to their religion or belief.
4) Appreciate any form of religion, and must not impose a religion and beliefs to others.
2. Sila just and civilized humanity
1) Recognize and treat people with dignity and status as a creature of God Almighty.
2) Looking at equality, rights and obligations among people without distinction as to race, inheritance and social standing.
3) Develop an attitude of mutual love among humans, tepa selira and arbitrarily towards others.
4) Uphold the values ​​of humanity, love of the activities of humanity and courageous defense of truth and justice.
5) Feeling as part of the whole human race and therefore obliged to develop an attitude of respect and cooperation with other nations.
3. Sila unity Indonesia
1) Putting unity, unity, and safety interests of the nation above personal interests and groups.
2) Love tnah water and Indonesia, that are able and willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the state and the nation, if necessary.
3) Proud as Indonesian air homeland Indonesia in order to maintain world order.
4) Develop a sense of unity on the basis of unity in diversity in advancing social life together.
4. Sila democracy led by the wisdom of representative deliberation
1) As citizens and residents-the people of Indonesia have a position, rights and obligations in a sma.
2) Decisions concerning the common interests formerly held terlabih deliberation and decision by consensus labored deliberation, permeated by the spirit of kinship.
3) Respect and uphold the decision of each deliberation and implemented in good faith and a sense of responsibility.
4) Deliberation done with common sense and conscience are sublime, with the interests of the state and society, and not to impose the will of others.
5) The decision taken should be morally accountable to God Almighty, upholding human dignity, and the values ​​of truth and justice.
5. Sila justice for all Indonesian people
1) Recognizing the rights and obligations to create social justice in the life of Indonesian society.
2) Develop a noble deeds reflect the attitude and family atmosphere and mutual cooperation.
3) Be fair to others, maintain a balance between the rights and obligations and respect the rights of others ha.
4) Cultivate an attitude rather give help to others who need to be able to stand on its own, does not use the property for extortion, extravagance, luxury lifestyle and other acts contrary and detrimental to the public interest.
5) Cultivate an attitude like to work hard and appreciate the work of others is beneficial, and together achieve equitable progress and prosperity together.

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