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Impact of Technology on The Film "The Net" 1995

Diperbarui: 29 November 2020   21:52

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Technology is one of the most important things in our life. Every day we always use technology, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic we are required to do everything from home to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. Utilization of this technology turned out to have been made into a film in 1995 entitled "The Net" which has a storyline more or less the same as the use of current technology.

This film tells about an intelligent woman named Angela Bennet who lives at a time when technology is developing very rapidly. Everything can be accessed easily which makes Angela's life inseparable from the computer. She does everything via the internet, from ordering food, calling for service, sending the package, to ordering plane tickets by using the internet.

 But with all these conveniences, it does not mean that the internet has no risks. Cybercrime can happen if there is no strong security against a system. It can even be said that with the internet, everything we access, our data, is all stored in a system that can be hacked any time.

This also happened to Angela when a disk sent by her colleague named Dalle became a target. The diskette contains suspicious gaps in security agencies. The crime causes Dalle to be killed with the intention of keeping the loopholes in the software from spreading. When Angela is about to go on vacation, she meets Jack, who turns out to be an undercover person targeting the diskette.

All activities carried out by Angela have been monitored by Jack. Jack also faked Angela's identity after he failed to kill Angela. It turned out that the crime was a plan from Jeff Greg to master confidential data through his software. Angela is the only person who knows about Gregg's system loopholes. With her intelligence and courage, Angela reported Gregg to the FBI, and eventually, Gregg was arrested.


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