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"Experience When I Was Go to The Church"

Diperbarui: 17 Oktober 2018   19:48

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Fiksiana. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Dzenina Lukac

At the time i am still remember my memories when i was go to the church. exactly a few weeks ago  on the sunday morning, 15 october 2018. when i still remember that accident so make me scared directly because many of events was happen in that place before. my habitually on sunday mornimg, after that i'm finish doing my work in my home, i always go to the church with my brethren or my family especially my boyfriend also. and i really enjoy at the time with them. but before going to the church i pray in my heart so may our God blessed our journey when we go to the church. After we are finish we went by motorcycle, we go to the church together exactly  GPI Simalingkar B. 

So, not so far from our residence a few hour ago at the time, make me schocked because at the time there was accident in there very strained. that accident it's located in Simalingkar A nearst to indomaret Simalingkar  A around Medan city. so many of buses and motorcycles got traffic jam in there, especially for us got traffic jam also. So my wishes, i can see who is the someone got accident, but my boyfriend didn't permission me to looking that event. but i dislike to him didn't permission me to saw the event. but i'm force should go to there because i'm really corious, and i ran directly. 

When i arrive in there suddenly i'm cried in my heart because the someone who got accident is my best friend. i saw her body with bleeding, her face was broken, and the one of thing i can't stopped to cry is i saw her head got blood. i think she flung - away when she got accident. her name is Nesa Purba and she continue her study in North Sumatera(USU), she takes her major Kesehatan Masyarakat in North Sumatera. i can't stop thinking about her at the time because she is kind and her living not so far from our residence.

Many of people saw her, and brought her to nearst the Hospital directly because she got bleeding. and unfortunately she still can to be safe. and my boyfriend said to me so can stop to cry but i can't. the final the story we continue our journey go to the church and until arrived in there my boyfriend said to me that " don't cry",on the other hand he said to me so i must be carreful in my walking and dont forget use the helm when i drive the motorcycle.

After that we go home after we are finished take a worship in the churh.


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