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You're the King of Java and Yeah I'm the King of England

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   06:17

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The image of the present Hamengkubuwono as a king is really kinda boring. he mark his path between the dully idiots of the comfortable employer of his, and the so called intellectual people that do not supporting him. there are really almost no intellectual people are really exist for him. but he obscure the between people to still believe his charm as the future ruler of the whole region in the country. the fact that there is a party that really overt by selling his personality as the king of whole java or else the future leader of the country such as the 2009 Republican party, that didn't have any significant voter, and furthermore its existence are threaten to be extinct (or is it really had already extinct?) are really should be considered for those, that do not really care, but believing that their live are quite in a path of truth, as a middle class people.

Jogja are really special regions. and it is being marked by the late Hamengkubowono just before the present one, by his declaration or mandate of power to the Republic, by still determ that Jogja are still a special regions. but the speciality werent concretely sayin that to be special the leader of the regions should be the fuckin governor of the regions. it's just a matter of a terms. Governor terms in a view of Indonesian modern bureacracy are just a mediocre commander that don't have the flexibility to pull a strategic decision, which may be wanted by the swing concerned people of the king to be applicate for the leader of the Jogja special region.

The problem of today's jogja’s speciality are purely the polemic of the sympathizer impartial middle class about the fortitude deep life about the king's employer. it isn't about what's real and what's had a deeper wisdom. it also isnt about the stability of jogja's today's amazing vibrant environment. it's about the personal problem about the king's solitaire decision only.

We know that he was kinda a looser by loosing the vote of the whole country voting by the past general election. and we know that he had many bussiness that the supervision of it, had stepover the whole management of the country that will and shall be inherited to his relatives. we know that he didnot have a male descendant that, again, being obscure by the power beyond his control, should be carry on his authority. from this fact that he didnot have a male descendant only, we can assume that there is a hubbub of a decision between his will and other closest male relatives that seeing the opportunity to possesed the power in order to play a game of opinion in the middle class people of the whole java, the country and specially the Jogjanese people to not deciding anything at all.

Jogja was a specials regions and will always still be as if the harmony of life cycle of it is being admitted by the whole citizen of the country. but Jogja, just like every regions in the whole country, doesnt have to meet his leaders in terms of governor appointment. the king that may be believed as a emissary of God in the minor congruity of life harmony of the people in the regions, can still have the authority to decide the strategic influence and have the crown hereditary. but not by manipalating the law of all the above laws for interest of narrow tier, all the more treason and rebelling for independence.

It’s like when we know that someone else is boast about himself that he is the king of java and we know that he doesnt, which is done to have the exaggerate appreciation from us, but we're not appreciate  that our smart knowledge by not telling him that we are the King of England, by appreciating him the way that he wanted. the bad guy is out there. but we fought each other the hurting battering fight that almost had been meaningless aside the fact that we need a polemic to fill our side of life to be full by meaningless thing and watch by others that already filled one. we are splinter but we must stressing our best ability to reach a better unit of what the unity we are today. hopefully.


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