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Psycholostory: Reframing Mistakes

Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   00:56

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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

Hallo! This is another series of #Psycholostory. In this post, I’m trying to make up my English, although I know that it may be bad. But, I hope it will be useful for us. In this chance, I will invite you to do some personal reflection. Sounds scared? No, it just a simple personal reflection.

Ok, what do you think first if you hear about mistake? Everybody knows that mistake means something that you do wrong. It can be behavior, statement, expression, opinion, or many things. When having or doing a mistake, people will probably think that they are out of control, lost, totally wrong, bad, stupid, or even unworthy. And, those will lead people to have some negative emotions.

Instead of think and feel about anything negative caused of mistakes, how if we do another things which more challenging? Let’s say, Reframing.

Reframing is changing your interpretation or point of view. Just like put new frame around a picture or event to change the way you look at it. So that, it allows you to respond more flexibly when you make mistakes, then learn from them and MOVE ON!

The question is, for successfully reframing your mistakes, what you have to do?

Firstly, you have to think that your mistakes are your teacher. Doing mistakes in the beginning should make you learn something new, so that you will not do the same mistakes. Simply, mistakes are information about what works and what doesn’t.

Second, you have to understand that sometimes mistakes can be a warning, so that you will be more alert. For example, if you got a minor traffic accident, it can serve as a warning that you need to concentrate on your driving more closely.

Third, you have to understand that if you are never allowed to say the wrong thing, you may never feel free enough to say the right things. The willingness to make mistake means that it’s OK to disappoint people, to have a moment of awkwardness, or to have the conversation which take an uncomfortable turn.

Finally, making mistakes doesn’t mean that you’re totally got failure, as long as you can reframe your mistake. But, are you willing to do that? J


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