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Michelle V

Grade 7

Climate Crisis

Diperbarui: 29 November 2023   14:12

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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Global warming is getting worse. What is global warming? Global warming is an increase in temperature due to human conditioning. Most humans burn fossil fuels and cut down trees, causing deforestation. Scientists condemn the burning of coal for causing climate breakdown. It's time to take matters into our own hands because if global warming continues or gets worse, the rainfall will probably be more dangerous. There are numerous ways to stop global warming from continuing. But the least we can do is save energy at home, reduce, reuse, recycle, and turn off lights when not in use. Though it doesn't do much, it still helps. On July 10 1913, The highest temperature reached due to global warming was 56 degrees celcius or 134 degrees farenheit. Global warming began in the 1800s, greenhouse gases began in the mid-1800s, and global warming got worse in the early 1980s. Because of this, global warming affects temperatures, droughts, and storms. One of global warming's effects is the loss of ice in glaciers. Global warming causes around 315,000 deaths each year through hunger, bad rainfall, and sickness. Global warming has caused a total of 2 million people. We can try to avoid getting affected by global warming. Some of the examples are we can start by planting a tree, recycle more, or adjust our thermostat. Global warming also affects animals by lowering their survival rates. soon, animals will most likely be endangered or worst, extinct.  One of the questions that's constantly asked is," Is it too late to  help climate change?" No. We can still try to stop it from continuing. Another constantly asked question is," What's NASA's part in climate exploration?" NASA studies Earth, Earth's climate change, the sun, and other globes. NASA helps climate change by observing our home earth and helping us study the earth and its climate change. As a student, something that should be known is that climate change is also caused by driving buses. Many data about global warming are that  ocean  situations are rising, extreme events are now constant, the air temperature over the ocean is rising, we caused global warming to be, and polar bears have become thinner. There are many organizations that are trying to help with global warming. Such as, WRF (Water Research Foundation), the Alliance for Climate Education, climate Climate Alliance, and Asia Pacific adaptation network. They try to reduce their electricity. Asia Pacific Adaptation Network Some of the examples of companies that are trying to stop global warming/climate crisis are Alphabet, Tesla, and Apple.  One of the examples is that they help by trying to reduce wastage in workplaces. There are many jobs to fight global warming. Some examples are Hydrologist (average salary: $100,206 ) , Economist (average salary $114.030 ) , climatologist(average salary $90,210), Environmental scientist(average salary $71,360(last updated in jan 22)), and environmental lawyer. (average salary $181,586). Someone who is a big supporter and raised awareness about global warming is Greta Thunberg(born January 3, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden). Though, the first ever person who started global warming awareness is Svante Arrhenius(born in 19 February 1859, Kingdom of sweden)


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