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Epistemology of Philosophy

Diperbarui: 15 Oktober 2019   11:44

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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

the study of epistemology is concerned with question of knowledge

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the origin of the Object or material being studies

The epistemology can olso determine the ways and direction of human thought. That scientific epistemology is essentials a combination of rational thinking and empirical thinking.

  • Empicalism ia a branch of philosophy that come from experiences taken from the five sense
  • Rasionalism ia a branch of philosophy that come from the mind and argues that reason is important for gaining knowledge
  • Positivism ia a branch of philosophy based on facts as an event that actually take place.

From this it will lead to many question that arise ini the minds of humans and provoke the desire to seek answers to these question, ini addition to human thinking a finding or the result of thoughts,theories, new opinions will be generated and become a science olso strengthens the basis of previous knowledge.


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