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I Love You, I Wuff You!

Diperbarui: 9 Desember 2020   16:38

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As humans, of course we cannot live without other living things. We definitely need someone to accompany us, cheer us up, make us laugh, smile and feel comfortable. Humans not only need fellow humans, but like plants and animals too. Humans need animals to meet their needs. Humans use animals as food ingredients such as meat, eggs and milk. Chicken is taken for eggs and meat, while beef is taken for milk. Animals are also used for their energy to lighten human work. Cows and horses were used to pull carts. Buffaloes are used to plow fields. Humans also use animals for their enjoyment, birds are kept by humans to hear their beautiful voices. Animals are often made by humans as their friends. 

Lots of people keep pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits or other cute animals. They are often considered friends, friends and even their own children. i remember when charles Darwin once said that apes are evolutionary changes from humans? Indeed, this theory is not necessarily correct, but from this theory it can be proven that animals and humans are indeed related to each other. As co-inhabitants and living things in the world or on this earth, of course we have a common duty to preserve the earth with the differences that have been given to us and to animals.Richard Rayder in his book Painism: A Modern Morality (2001) says' pain is one indicator of measuring morality in the present era. If humans refuse to be hurt and feel pain because of it, then animals do too, because both are living things that can feel pain 

'In the quotation above, we can realize that it is not only humans who have human rights, as living things, animals also have human rights that are equal to humans. Therefore, every October 15th is celebrated as Animal Human Rights Day as a warning for us humans to treat animals as we humans also want to be treated.

As reported by CNN Indonesia, not only as a day of commemoration, but animal rights are also contained in the Criminal Code Article 302 and also Law No.16 of 2009, you know. Animal Rights consists of 5 freedoms, namely:

First, the right to be free of thirst and hunger,

Second, free from discomfort,

Third, free to express according to their natural behavior,

Fourth, free from fear and distress,

Fifth, free from illness or injury.

From the above context we can conclude that animals are very valuable and must be treated well. They often make us angry for breaking our things, but we should also teach him not to break. Pets are just like newborn babies, where they don't know anything and all they know is to eat, play, sleep and defecate. However, if we teach that after playing, tidying up things, automatically the child will record a memory where he has to tidy things up after playing. Just like pets.

From the video above, we are shown a dog taking tissue for a crying employer and approaching his employer, forbidding his employer to get drunk and hurting himself, and helping his employer to wash clothes. 

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