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Elwction: A Boomerang for The Younger Generation

Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2023   05:58

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

The election is a culture ingrained in Indonesian democracy. The term "Pesta rakyat" should indicate that the people should not just vote without considering the authority or negative consequences of the leaders that will impact their own lives. Here are some tips to be more aware of the potential negative authority. First, learn about the details of the candidates we will choose. It's okay to be critical of the track record of the candidates to get a glimpse of their attitudes and character. Second, don't hesitate to demand accountability for the policies they make. 

Policies that negatively affect us should be voiced. Politicians who truly work for us will surely listen to our complaints and concerns. Third, don't only apply the tips for presidential elections. Choosing the parliament as the overseer of the executive's performance should also consider various factors. Lastly, always keep learning. Politics will continue to change over time, and learning will keep our minds open and prevent us from sticking to one perspective, ultimately blaming politics for not aligning with what we want. In short, as the younger generation, we should be more aware of elections, whether it's for president, governor, or parliament, to avoid becoming victims of authority that will boomerang on ourselves.


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