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Staying Alert

Diperbarui: 27 Januari 2021   23:50

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Gaya Hidup. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Rawpixel

I understand how we are getting tired and worn out of the current situation: Having to be extra careful on whatever we do, wherever we go, whenever it is. I understand it's getting really tiring of having to wash your hands every now and then throughout the day, having to wear masks once we step out of the house, staying at home unless we really need to go out, not being able to go on trips or vacations, and many more on the list. I understand how we are still getting used to the new normal that it feels like we are learning things back from square one.

But please, we are getting more new cases each and every day, it's concerning. Stay alert. This is still as risky as ever. Yes, some of the facilities are open already as of right now. However, please still keep your defenses up. Keep washing your hands, keep the distance between the people around you wherever you go, keep wearing masks, keep staying at home, keep staying healthy.

Every time I hear that the people around me were tested positive, I keep telling myself how it's still spreading, it's spreading fast, and it's spreading to a closer circle of people. Yes, the recovery rate is high. However we can't take this lightly. It is still a disease without a cure. Yes vaccines have been found. However vaccines are only to prevent people from getting the disease. Vaccines don't cure. There is still no cure. As much as it recovers fast for people who have great immune system, it attacks severely for people who don't. Fine we would think we're going to be okay since we're young and healthy. What about other people? What about your family? What about the people you meet? 

Yes this is getting tiring, but please, keep staying alert. Follow the health protocols. I'm not saying I'm not tired. I am tired as well. Even as an introvert, I still miss going out carefreely. It's also a huge challenge to take a shower once I get home. I admit it. I am tired. But we can't stop staying alert just because of it. This is starting to get out of hand and we need to take care of ourselves as well as other people.


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