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Eyang Sukirman

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   18:25

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Sukirman's life story might sound like part of an old song which often we hear related to existing social disparities problem in this country. [caption id="attachment_240345" align="aligncenter" width="499" caption="Sukirman's-secondhand-goods | Captured by Charlie"][/caption] With overall 13 children and 18 grandchildren, he keeps trying hard to survive in the cruel city like Jakarta. Besides selling secondhand goods, he is also a self-taught painting skills. Most of his paintings inspired by the reflection of his past life. [caption id="attachment_240357" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Sukirman and his painting | Captured by Charlie"][/caption] At his young age, Sukiman worked as a factory worker for 19 years before the company went bankrupt. Living in a big city like Jakarta make him always be grateful for what he has including an average of Rp 2o,ooo that he could only get per every day. Perhaps the only hope for him is to get additional income from buyer who will appreciate more of his painting works. [caption id="attachment_240350" align="aligncenter" width="499" caption="Sukirman-was-an-employee | Captured by Charlie"][/caption] Although it seems impossible to live with such a small income, he always strives the best to earn for his family with affection and love. For him, the most important thing in this life is to be thankful to GOD in every situation and condition towards past, today and the future. [caption id="attachment_240360" align="aligncenter" width="499" caption="Sukirman's Ancestor | Captured by Charlie"][/caption] Currently, 71 years old Sukirman lives together with his wife, some of his children and grandchildren in a shack on the outskirts of Jakarta. [caption id="attachment_240361" align="aligncenter" width="499" caption="Sukirman and his wife | Captured by Charlie"][/caption]


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