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Annisa Rizka Wardani

Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Amikom Purwokerto

Heavy Burden of Being Sandwich Generation

Diperbarui: 26 April 2023   21:36

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illustration photo from content://media/external/downloads/1000101057

Writer : Annisa Rizka Wardani

PURWOKERTO -- Recently, the term sandwich generation has become popular, especially among the adult generation. Usually, those in this position feel that the Burden of life is heavier because they have a dual role, namely having to bear the burden of the generation above and below them.

The sandwich generation has the meaning of a generation consisting of adults who have to live for three generation, namely their parents, them selves, and their children. For example, the generation above them are their siblings, children or even grandchildren. Some people may still be confused by the term sandwich generation. Sandwich generation or know as the sandwich generation because the conditions here are analogous to a sandwich where a piece of meat is squeezed by two piece of bread. The bread is likened to parents (upper generation) and children (lower generation), while the main content of the sandwich in the form of meat, mayonaise, and sauce that are squeezed by the bread are likened to themselves. 

illustration photo from content://media/external/downloads/1000101056

If we look at the burden alone, from here we can already feel that this generation has quite a heavy burden to live on. So, why did this sandwich generation happen? There are many factors behind it, but in general this happens because of a lack of financial ability. The previous generation was the sandwich generation. Buying less important (consumptive) goods. Lack of financial plans when you are in your productive age.

Holding the status of being the sandwich generation is certainly not easy, because you have to bear the financial burden or condition of many people at the same time, because the sandwich generation has a fairly large financial burden, of course it often causes anxiety, especially if the salary is very mediocre. Therefore, there are several ways to overcome or minimize the sandwich generation by managing finances well, increasing source of income, preparing retirement funds, avoiding consumptive behavior, having a savings plan, having health insurance, teaching children to save and learn to be financially independent.


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