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Annisa Nurmartlia

Penulis akrobatik

To be or Not to be Happy

Diperbarui: 15 Mei 2021   06:45

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

If you can choose today to be in a good mood or an awful one, what will you choose?

Too easy? well let's give a context:

If you can decide to be in a good mood by avoiding the ghost behind your mask or face the ugly scary ghost that may ruin your day, what will you choose?

Still, too easy?

What if I tell you this: 

that whatever you try to avoid will forever haunt you. Eating you alive while you try to put a smile on your mask to lighten up your day, will you still ignore it or brutally kill it?

If you can choose today to be a happy ignorant or a liberated killer, what will you choose?


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