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Adam Afrixal Sinuraya

Seorang Penulis Biasa

Teaching Natural Disaster to Children in Muda Mengajar

Diperbarui: 1 Oktober 2018   16:14

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Dokumen Pribadi

Indonesia is on condolences because there is a natural disaster that struck its people. Last Week there is a big earthquake that happened upon our brother and sisters in Palu and Donggala, where the victim counts up to 800 people and still rising.

To reinforce the sympathy and awareness of the children, Muda Mengajar tried to teach about Natural Disaster in the world and important words that will be helpful in case of emergency. The children learned more about what kind of natural disaster that exist in this world and what happened to our brothers.

Dokumen Pribadi

One of the key activity we did  other than class, is shouting help simulation through a simple drama between students. It was fun, and it is hoped that it can be useful for them. Some Vocabulary that we taught them are:

1. Hurricane : Angin Topan

2. Storm : Badai

3. Wild Fires : Kebakaran

4. Earthquake : Gempa Bumi

5. Volcano Eruption : Erupsi Gunung Berapi

6. LandSlides : Tanah Longsor

7. Flood : Banjir

Dokumen Pribadi

 Today's lesson get better and easier since our class have been supported by brand new study table that we received as gifts from Pertamina Borneo. The class ended with delivering prayer from all students to the victim and our brothers and sisters in Mid Sulawesi.
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