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Ade Hanafidin
Ade Hanafidin Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - International Relations Scholar

i am a sustainable development enthusiast, nearly 5 years of experiences on the field of international relations.



Ilmu Sosbud

Lasting Peace Is Impossible If We Ignore Women

5 Desember 2024   22:26 Diperbarui: 8 Desember 2024   09:59 35
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Women Peace making prInput Keterangan & Sumber Gambar (Sumber:

Women can provide peace process as fabolous as men in the name of leadership, they have capability to be peacebuilders as they are able to managed many conflicts occured such as Oversee and attain ethnics conflict in Somalia driven by resource scarcity through peacebuilding fund initiative in Somalia where young men and women work together to build water canals across clan communities and in Chad, peacebuilding fund have endorsed several dialoge that put women as an actors, as a result it reduces fortified social cohesion and cross community conflicts and tensions in the Nya Pend and Barh Sara regions. UNSC(5/12)

Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs,said "If we do not break free from patriarchal norms, true peace and inclusive security will remain out of reach,".

This patriarchal systems are yet been demolished especially when it comes to peace processes whether like it or not many conflicts are resolved by Men in majority. The Pakistan's girls education champion and Youngest Nobel Peace Price Laureate ever, Swedish activist Greta Thunbergm and Somali workers who served to rehabilitate child soldiers and counter extremism demonstrate young women excessive role in the peace making process to establish justice.if we want to bring long-lasting peace, we have to facilitate any solution with the principle of inclusivity where anybody with any backround took a big part on the process.

she added"These remarkable leaders remind us that transformation requires bucking the status quo,".

There are three key areas to augmenting intergenerational leadership: conducting inclusive peace processes, encouraging dialogue, and cultivating women leadership.



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